Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Nadia. I am Entrepreneur but a Wife and Mom first. I have started this blog in hopes to share my knowledge and experiences from the past 30 years!

Here you can find information about lifestyle, finance, products and more.

After Covid hit in 2020 remote working became a realistic workstyle for most companies. Some companies never came back after witnessing the benefits of having employees working from home. That’s why I will share ways on how to make money from home and you don’t have to have a degree. You can even make more than people with a degree if you have a main point of focus and keep working towards your goal.

I, myself, consider myself a lucky person because I don’t work a 9-5 and almost never have my entire life. I get to spend time with my kids and be there for after school activities. That is why my blog is perfect for mothers or stay at home dads who are looking for a way to drop their 9-5 and have more flexibilty in their life. I will talk about how you can work from home too.

There was times where I really struggled, lived with my parents, borrowing money, didn’t buy groceries. I wasn’t financially dependent. I became very motivated to get myself out of this hole I was in. I will share these tips and tricks with you! 

If you have came this far, thank you for reading. Stay tuned for more blogs that I am working very hard to create for you all.